In Thunder Head 2 we follow Sky, a young adult who’s been dealing with loneliness and a mysterious hole in her torso. Suddenly a peculiar cat comes to the rescue and she is dragged into strange dimensions. She has to fight different enemies like monsters and robots. Where did this hole come from and why does she have to keep fighting these monsters?What is she going through? Is it possible to treat this hole? This and more in Thunder Head 2.

Thunder Head

Thunder Head tells the story of college student Cloud who struggles with anxiety. To the rescue comes the bird Morph, who draws Cloud into a strange video game where he has to finish different kinds of levels. As Cloud clears those levels, he gains new skills which he can apply to deal with his anxiety. In his adventure, Cloud has to present in front of his class, talk to people and realize his own anxiety. To deal with obstacles, Cloud needs to defeat a dinosaur, fight with demons and even with himself. Despite a serious undertone, Thunder Head is a comic book that can be enjoyed as an adventure but at the same time it educates people about anxiety and gives individuals who deal with anxiety tools to cope with it.
The book has been nominated in the FÍT- Félag íslenskra teiknara (The Icelandic Association of Graphic Designers) competition for the students category.

Íkarus the kid with wings

Íkarus is a regular boy but unlike a regular kid he has wings. His wings don't give him the ability to fly and are just part of his body. Why does he have wings and how do they affect his life? This comic was part of the first iteration of Myndarsögur a collection of up and coming Icelandic comic artists.
Jens & Bobo

Wholsome story about two best friends dealing with exitentialproblems of life in their own way.

Bob & Ross on a ghost adventure

Two best friends Bob and Ross working together discover one day, after the arrival of the new CEO, that there is a ghost lurking in their department. What is this ghost doing there and how will two regular warehouse workers find out who killed little Clemmy.

Comic based on my dream where I got to be the avatar with some dreamy shenanigans.