Bella and the mysterious mom
This is an illustration for the short story "Bella and the Mysterious Mom" which was one of the eight winning short stories that got to be part of HUGE short STORIES 2018. The Educational Institution of Iceland is republishing these short stories and I got to illustrate this story.

Eirik the red
Illustration for the Reykjavík Grapevine article.
It's great to illustrate for such a fun article about Eiríkur murdering his neighbors and coming to Greenland.
It's great to illustrate for such a fun article about Eiríkur murdering his neighbors and coming to Greenland.

Washing Walter
A concept for a childrens book illustrated an written by me about a dog by the name Vaskur that needs to take a bath due to some sort of ichiness.

Cover redesign for Angels of the Universe
This is a concept for a redesign of the famous Icelandic book Angels of the Universe.

Sketchbooks drawings

Inktober sketches 2018
What is Inktober?
Inktober is a month long art challenge created by artist Jake Parker that is focused on improving skill and developing positive drawing habits. Every day for the month of October anyone participating in the Inktober challenge creates an ink drawing and posts it online.

Inktober sketches 2019

Inktober sketches 2020