Personal Brand
Student loan campaign
An animated project to showcase how low students loans are for The National Union for Icelandic Students (Landssamtök íslenskra stúdenta). The campaign was published for ads and on their social media

Padel patches
Padel patches commisioned for sports wear.

Commissioned infographics for video game tournaments results

Snake girl T-shirt
I made this shirt in a workshop run by Kelly Anna in Scotland and is for sale on

Business Cards
Business cards made for La Via del Sentire a spiritual therapy company based in Italy.

My first animation and where it all started.
This is my final project made in 2016 from the College of Breiðholt. The story is based around the fastination of growth.
This is my final project made in 2016 from the College of Breiðholt. The story is based around the fastination of growth.